
This is where you will find direct mail advice and interesting articles about our services, activities and goings-on within the team. If you would like to share your news with us, please contact us using our form in 'contact' and we be happy to discuss content for sharing.

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    St Richard’s Celebration Garden Sponsorship

    We have been on our best 'beehive-iour' keeping this quiet! We are so excited to be sponsoring the Celebration Garden for St Richard’s Hospice. The team at St Richard’s...

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    Posted on: 20 Jul 2021

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    Direct Mail Tips and Tricks

    We have collated our top tips from a few of our staff members to help you conduct an effective direct mail campaign. First up we have Jo, our Marketing Manager’s top tip. M...

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    Posted on: 19 Jul 2021

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    How to Measure and Track Direct Mail

    There is a problematic assumption that direct mail is not measurable in the same way that digital marketing methods are with click rates, rankings and analytics.  However, the real...

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    Posted on: 06 Jul 2021

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    Door Drops and Partially Addressed Mail

    What is a Door Drop? In short, a door drop is a non-addressed item that is delivered to buildings or home addresses (either or both) within a specific geographical area that fits ...

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    Posted on: 22 Jun 2021

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    Top 10 Direct Mail Examples

    Stuck for inspiration for your next direct mail campaign? We have curated our top 10 favourite direct mail examples that provide a starting point for your next direct mail campaign...

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    Posted on: 08 Jun 2021

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    Environmentally Friendly Direct Mail

    With World Environment Day coming up, we wanted to share with you some ideas to make your direct mail campaign as environmentally friendly as possible. Direct mail marketing has h...

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    Posted on: 11 May 2021

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    Bank Holidays: The Prime Time for B2C Direct Mail Campaigns

    Bank Holidays provide the perfect time to capture the public’s attention with special offers to generate new business and boost sales. It’s important to let the public ...

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    Posted on: 03 May 2021

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    How Charities Are Fundraising With Direct Mail

    Direct mail fundraising is one of the best ways to increase donations, retain supporters and grow databases. Non-profits depend on money and support from donors to keep an organisa...

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    Posted on: 26 Apr 2021

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    Direct Mail Mistakes to Avoid

    As a UK mailing house with over 20 years of experience, it is fair to say we have seen all sorts of direct marketing mistakes being made. We thought we would share some mistakes th...

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    Posted on: 12 Apr 2021

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    Top 5 Benefits of Direct Mail

    Direct mail is a great form of communication with huge potential for reaching your target audience. It can be used in conjunction with other marketing strategies and there are many...

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    Posted on: 03 Mar 2021